WG 361 A Plan That Sucks Is Still A Plan
July 23rd, 2010

WG 361 A Plan That Sucks Is Still A Plan

And so we come to the end of Volume 5. Whew! Seems like we just started Volume 5 and now here we are at the end. The crew is home, safe and sound, but yet, something seems missing. Probably answers to quite a few questions, eh? Not to worry, come Monday, Volume 6 will start and hopefully some of those questions will be answered.

Volume 6 is going to be without chapters, just one lone run of different story arcs of the crew’s adventures back at home. I plan on running Volume 6 through to the Halloween Special in October and then after that story is done, jumping right in to Volume 7. Stick around, the story has really just begun!

To those of you who have been here from the beginning, I thank you for your comments and your loyalty. To those of you who have just jumped on board for the ride, I hope you are reading through the deep archive and are understanding a little why the characters are doing what they are doing. If not, go over and check out the History page for a little bit of back story to each of the characters (well, except for Crystal). I am planning on adding to the history page to give you all a look at every Willow’s Grove I have ever produced. I wish I had drawn out every script I ever wrote, and I also wish I had backed up that hard drive that failed that has a bunch of the early strips scanned onto, but I am sure if I sell a few books of Volume 1, I might just be able to pay for a recovery service to extract those files…otherwise, I have a lot of scanning to do…lol…hint hint 😉

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