WG 329 Onwards
June 9th, 2010

WG 329 Onwards

whoa! did the ship suddenly roll a little to the right in panel three? XD

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4 Responses to “WG 329 Onwards”

  1. 1
    jynksie says:

    This is just my personal 2 cents, but that tool bar at the bottom has to go! Very distracting and doesn’t belong at the bottom of comic websites! and that big black window that pops up that says “click to share”… no, simply NO! Say NO to wibiya! I’ve stopped reading sites that have added this, thats how annoying it is!!

    Otherwise, lovin the fact Bob is back!! Happy day!! =)

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      thanks for reminding me to turn that click to share feature off…wasn’t too keen on it myself, but I had to go to a meeting and was going to turn it off when I got back home. Wibiya is an experiment so far, so please bear with me during this test period.

    • 1.2
      nihil1234 says:

      Ditto on both counts!

  2. 2
    KWCarlson says:

    I like the lens flare like effect in the last panel, also going to chime in with the others about the team being complete again. Woot!