WG 314 A Message To You Rudy
May 19th, 2010

WG 314 A Message To You Rudy

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11 Responses to “WG 314 A Message To You Rudy”

  1. 1
    jynksie says:

    Say WHHHHAAAAAAaaaaaaattttttTTTTTT now ?!? o.O

  2. 2
    KWCarlson says:

    AH HA!!!!! Now we shall see Mr clever writer person! (really REALLY looking forward to tommrow’s strip.)

  3. 3
    nihil1234 says:

    Looking forward to what? Yet ANOTHER “kill the charater, but wait! They’re not REALLY dead” routine? Hasn’t been done a billion times?

    I’m kind of disappointed actually. Not that I want poor Bob dead, but this smells of a cop-out to me.

  4. 4
    Samantha says:

    I’m LOVING the expressions in the last panel. Can’t wait for the next installment, Karl!

    • 4.1
      Karl says:

      I really should have done animation for this entire series because there is so much I would love to do but can’t with stationary drawings…:)

  5. 5
    tmcelmurry says:

    MOINK indeed. Is Bob’s mind attached to something? I don’t think we would have went thru all that the despair from the last chapter to turn around and instantly find out that Bob is alive, so something has to give here. Can’t wait to see what lies ahead.