WG 313 Race For Your Life Maxie Brown
May 18th, 2010

WG 313 Race For Your Life Maxie Brown

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2 Responses to “WG 313 Race For Your Life Maxie Brown”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Can anyone who’s not actually Scottish do a good version of of that accent besides James Doohan? He was on a radio show before a convention once down here and did something like 8 or so different accents to show how he could have done Scotty differently.

    Also Igor kind of reminds me of a straight man version of Holly, the computer from the British series Red Dwarf.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      and what a talented man he was. In fact, for the Animated Series, he did a ton of the voice work for the alien of the week.