WG 305 Clink Clink Another Drink
May 6th, 2010

WG 305 Clink Clink Another Drink

Ooooo…all dark and moody. I know, I know, lately, Willow’s Grove has been a drag and you’re probably wondering to yourself, “Self, what’s the deal-ee-o with The Grove being a downer? I thought this was supposed to be a comedy?” Well, hang tight, my dear Grovers, we shall soon get out of this funk in a few chapters. Meanwhile, I think I’m going to go spark up a nice Punch Rare Corojo Robusto, pour myself an Aberlour on the rocks and celebrate finishing this here comic and posting it for you to enjoy. Now where did I put my cigar cutter?….

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2 Responses to “WG 305 Clink Clink Another Drink”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Was wondering if that was your routine as well, apparently so. lol. Max seems to be kind of coping, though I’m willing to bet we’re about to have the talk you always have with someone close after such an event.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      oh yes, although it can get to be quite an expensive routine if I’m not careful…lol
      I think Max is coming to the point of fishing or cutting bait. I don’t think having a mopey Max for the duration of their journey would bode too well with the rest of the crew, let alone, Crystal. She may very well tire of the routine, love or not.