WG 529 Crystal Noonien Singh
March 16th, 2011

WG 529 Crystal Noonien Singh

In the last panel you can almost hear the warped fanfare playing in the background from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan…you know the one where Khan is reminiscing, right before he puts the Ceti Eels in Chekov & Terrell’s ears, about how “on Earth, two hundred years ago, I was a prince, with power over millions”? Yeah, that one….dahdahdah-dahdahdah-dahdahdah….heh…(she’s CRAZY!)

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4 Responses to “WG 529 Crystal Noonien Singh”

  1. 1
    Bearman says:

    Not StarTrek. When I see the words “blaze of glory” I think of Bon Jovi

  2. 2
    KWCarlson says:

    Ah yes, that scene (the worm in the ear part) still makes me wince. Damn he did a good job as Kahn.

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      Was reading a first draft of that scene the other day and he was waxing a little more poetic in it…talking more about the death of his wife and placing a curse on them, etc. But I think the scene was much more powerful as it was shot.