Willow’s Grove Joins SpiderForest

This just in: Willow’s Grove has joined the collective known as Spider Forest! What is Spider Forest, you may be asking yourself? Simply put, it is a collective of web comic creators pooling together to better themselves and other members as well as cross-promoting of said member web comics. It has been on the interwebs since 2004 and has a very nice line-up of comics. You should really check it out.

You may remember we were once part of the WebComic Planet Collective, which was (and the members of this former collective still are) a great group of creators that worked at basically what the Spider Forest folks are doing. I enjoyed my time with the WCPC before its untimely death, and enjoyed being a part of a group that could share ideas, methods and help cross-promote each others comics. When I saw that the SF was taking applications (via @kezhound over on twitter) so I gathered up my stuff and applied. A couple weeks later, I got the email that I was accepted and jumped right in (which explains the uppermost banner at the top of the page now)…YES! Along with my plan to visit local comic stores to post advertising, I am hoping membership in the SF will allow for more exposure and bring in new readers.

BTW, I don’t know if anyone has seen my little blurb on FB recently, but I am starting a new promotion to try and get more Willow’s Grove: The Kidnapped Saga Volume 1 moving…I, Karl, will not get a haircut until 1000 books have been sold. More updates on this to come!

Stumble it!

2 Responses to “Willow’s Grove Joins SpiderForest”

  1. 1
    Bearman says:

    I think we need current pictures and then weekly updates of the hair length.