WG 397 Dumbfinger
September 13th, 2010

WG 397 Dumbfinger

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3 Responses to “WG 397 Dumbfinger”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Damn light poles, more than a few have jumped out in front of me while I was innocently walking along. I’m 100% sure the alcohol I had consumed previously had nothing to do with this either.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      mostly I see folks driving into them whilst texting or chatting on the phone…9 times out of ten they just keep on driving as if nothing happened. BTW, what the hell do you people (not you, Ken) have that’s so important to talk about that it can’t wait for you to get where you’re going to have a conversation on the phone. Perhaps I am dating myself, which reminds me, I need to get myself some flowers for our pending anniversary, but I remember a day when there wasn’t cell phones in everyone’s hands and you made calls from either your phone at your house or pulled over and used a pay phone….*end rant*

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        KWCarlson says:

        Well, in my particular case I think I was talking to the friend next to me when it jumped me. Fortunately I wasn’t driving at the time, but on that note I tend to not use the cell phone in the car unless it’s an emergency. Anything non emergency can wait until I stop somewhere.