WG 385 Nosy Neighbor
August 26th, 2010

WG 385 Nosy Neighbor

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5 Responses to “WG 385 Nosy Neighbor”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    LOL!! You actually did it! HA! I love it.

  2. 2
    jynksie says:

    Oh— my—- GAWD!! As we say up heyah in Bawston… WICKED PISSHAH dude! o.O

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      At least you don’t have to pretend to be drunk to read my comic;) Wow…your opening line? My grandmother on my father’s side used to say that all the time to things she couldn’t believe….I imitate her from time to time to get my kids laughing because they can’t believe she actually said that. Of course, she was long since gone before they were born so they have to take my word for it.

      Oh, and btw, thanks for kick-starting my memory way back in episode 354 for putting the Kravitzes in. I had wanted to do so when I was writing the outline 2 years ago, and had forgotten it until your comment 6 weeks ago. 😀

  3. 3
    Bearman says:

    I always thought she was out in the open with her drinking.