WG 383 Igor Explains It All
August 24th, 2010

WG 383 Igor Explains It All

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2 Responses to “WG 383 Igor Explains It All”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Not too surprising, the self repair systems and the replicants do kind of remind me of the Vashti stuff, neat to see it put to other uses. Can hardly wait to see what else Igor might have discovered. (didn’t he technically morph his ‘body’ out of android Becky’s hair bun? Going to have to go check my book and see.)

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      Yes, Igor did in fact morph himself out of Beckybot’s hair bun…although, at the time, I don’t think he was aware of the ship’s ability, he was just using resources available to him that was in the same room as Max. I’m glad you are using the book as a quick resource as it would be much faster to find it in book format than paging through the archives. *hint to the people reading this reply…buy the book! It’s been available for over two months now and has sold only 2 units, one to my superfan, Ken in July and the other to my neighbor down the street in August.*