WG 377 Who Died And Left You Captain
August 16th, 2010

WG 377 Who Died And Left You Captain

Today’s strip is a bit of a milestone for Willow’s Grove. Today marks the longest run, without a break, of Willow’s Grove on the internet! True, I have been doing the strip since 1990, but I have never had such a sustained run without some kind of break or hiatus. The longest time I had the strip online before this was 2003-2005 and even then, there was a month or so where I didn’t update. I started that run in April of 2003 as a weekly update, then moved to a three a week update, running through to January 15, 2005. I put the strip on hiatus because back then, I didn’t have WordPress/ComicPress to aid in the updates or tracking software to let me know who was out there reading it, so I figured I didn’t have much of an audience and had the opportunity to work on another strip for someone. In 2008, I installed WordPress to the site and started to write again for Willow’s Grove, bringing it back in November of that year. So this current run, without interruption, is now the longest I have worked on it. True, I still have urges to just chuck it all and take a break, but I know I do have a fan base to think of, which if I start slacking off now, will not continue to grow as it has these past 21 months. I thank my readers for sticking with me all this time and welcome my new readers, hoping they stick around as this storyline is a long way from being over!

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4 Responses to “WG 377 Who Died And Left You Captain”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Oh god, I can imagine some of the uniform designs we’re going to get. Also congrats Karl, quite a milestone to not only make but beat as well.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      You may wish to wear sunglasses for the rest of the week…well, at least from Wednesday through Friday…;)

      Thank you…it’s been a labor of love…just wondering who the father is;)

  2. 2
    jynksie says:

    Congrats on the lengthy run! I went about 2 years before I fell apart this past summer due to the pure blissfulness of summer! I worry less about how many readers I have and more about how much I’m enjoying it. …although all those pesky (I kid-I KID) eyes that follow along get kinda cranky when you try to take some time to stop and smell the seasonal goodness of summer!

    Heres to another 20 years of WG! =) *raises Molotov cocktail!*

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      Thanks! Yes, it is soooooooo hard not to worry about the readers, as they are your bread and butter, and yes, I do try to do this for my own enjoyment, but after 20 years of doing this, you do tend to wish you had a broader base. I also have to stop thinking to myself, what if…what if I had stuck with it for 20 years straight through, what if the internet was like it is today back then, what if I had stayed with it in 2005 instead of shelving it and worked on two comics? Oh my, I would have been well over 1500 strips by now and had a more rounded history or back story for everyone and not had to just hope they know who each character is and why they interact the way they do…but alas, I can’t look back or go back in time and must press forward and figure out a better way to market the strip thus selling more books, and thus not having to listen to the wife ask when I’m going to give this up and get a real job…;)