WG 337 Talk To The Fist
June 21st, 2010

WG 337 Talk To The Fist

While reading today’s installment of Willow’s Grove (what? does every bounty hunter except the Walrus wear those black outfits?…well, he wore the black pants but wore an orange tank top…perhaps he couldn’t find a top to fit?) I wanted to post a question to my readers and get some feedback as I respect and welcome your input. As I am putting together the first book, I am noticing that in the current format with chapters, that there would be about 3-5 pages of story broken up by a chapter page. The flow just isn’t feeling quite right as it is constantly being interrupted by a new chapter sheet.

My thoughts on this is to get rid of the whole chapter business and just present each volume as a part. For example, Volume 1 would be Part 1, Volume 2 would be Part 2, and so on and so forth. That way, when someone is reading the book, they can just go through the part without it being broken up every 3 to 5 pages with a chapter sheet. It worked well when first presented with chapters because when I started the current WG storyline back in November of 2008, it was three days a week so a chapter could last a week or two. When I moved to the current production scheme of 5 updates a week, generally a new chapter is presented every week. But it occurred to me, if it was me reading it in book format with all those chapter breaks, it wouldn’t look or feel right.

Another thought is combining two chapters into one, so chapter 1 & 2 on the web would be chapter 1 in the book and so on and so forth. This would require fewer chapter pages to be designed but still give it a feel of what it was like on the web yet have longer chapter breaks.

So there you have it. Let me know what you think would be a better presentation if it was you reading a graphic novel…lot’s of chapter pages and presenting it in its original format, less chapter pages by combining two chapters into one, or toss out the chapter format and just use Part numbers for Volume numbers(which as planned would be two parts/volumes per book).

Thanks all!:)

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3 Responses to “WG 337 Talk To The Fist”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    I’d have to agree, combine them into larger parts and present them that way. Will make the flow much better in book format.

  2. 2
    KWCarlson says:

    Oh, as to the comic loved it. Another alternative would have been for them to round the corner where Bob would start shaking his fist hissing “ow ow ow” under his breath.

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      Thanks for the input!:) Heh, well, then I would have had to add another box…of course, I could have just put a squiggly line coming from his hand to a star to show it smarting…nice idea…wish I would have thought of that!…:)