WG 321 Body Snatcher
May 28th, 2010

WG 321 Body Snatcher

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4 Responses to “WG 321 Body Snatcher”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    I like the yak yak gesture he’s doing in the last panel. I wonder if we’re jumping the gun assuming we’re done with missy though. Guess we’ll see soon enough.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      If anything is learned from reading Willow’s Grove is that nothing is impossible from my demented mind;)

  2. 2
    tmcelmurry says:

    I’m almost afraid to get my hopes up. Oh well, I’ll throw caution to the wind and hopefully not get it knocked out of me later. Here goes: YEAH!!! Bob’s alive!! Oh Happy Day, Happy Day.

    Man I hope this doesn’t come back to bite me, and our friend is still amongst us.

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      He is still with us and will be…well, unless something happens to ME…lol…none of my children are ready or willing to pick up the pen and continue my legacy of drawing