Onomatopoeia Day Coming Soon!

Get ready folks! Monday, May the 3rd, will be the 2nd Annual Onomatopoeia Day! What is Onomatopoeia Day you might ask? It’s simple, we take the word onomatopoeia, which is the actual word for sound effects: BANG! WHOOSH! ZOOM! POOT! that is used in literature or comics, and substitute those BANGS WHOOSHES ZOOMS and POOTS with the word ONOMATOPOEIA! It started last year when Brian Anderson of Dog Eat Doug and I chatted back and forth on Twitter about using onomatopoeia as an actual sound effect in a comic. One thing led to another and a handful of webcomic artists participated and we had a great time. Now, the fine folks at Webcomic Planet (of which I am a member of their collective) have taken the reigns and are publicizing it (I count from the comments here that there are at least 17 who will be trying to participate, plus at least another bunch of folks from last year who will jump in, too) and I hope to see it grow every year. So stop on by Monday to see my contribution and then stop on over to Webcomic Planet to see a list of sites who are joining in the fun!

Stumble it!

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