WG 294 The Ship Out Of Danger
April 21st, 2010

WG 294 The Ship Out Of Danger

Okay, show of hands…how many of you remember my interview on TGT Webcomics?  Yeah, and the spoiler I announced?… And how on nearly every podcast that I am in the chat room I say “someone dies” when they ask the current guest for a spoiler?

Well, here my spoiler comes to pass.  Unfortunately, it was Bob who met his maker before getting back to Earth.  I debated on which one to bump off from the time I started writing the current storyline way back in 2008.  I had written the outlines for volumes 1-5 before I started to bring Willow’s Grove back from hiatus in its revamped format.  It was hard to kill him off as each of my main characters (Max, Bob & Fred) each have a chunk of my personality in them.  So it was like killing off a part of myself.  Of course, being that I inject a rather hefty portion of Star Trek into my Willow’s Grove in Space mythos, I just HAD to do the Wrath of Khan bit where Kirk was rushing to get Spock out of the radiation filled room.  But, in this case, had Max actually opened the door to the bridge manually, he would have sucked himself along with Crystal, Igor and Doctor Z into the vacuum of space…essentially ending the story right then and there as the only ones left on the ship would have been Becky and Fredbot’s head.  And what would they had wanted to go back to Earth for anyway?

So here we are, one real crewmember down (Fredbot isn’t a living and breathing person…lol…actually, NONE of them are…but you know what I mean!), and they still aren’t home yet.  I guess what I am saying is no one is safe now….*maniacal cackle*

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13 Responses to “WG 294 The Ship Out Of Danger”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Wow, not sure what to say, just wow. Here’s hoping it turns out like that plot from wrath of khan did. Just thinking of something I heard once. If a death doesn’t happen on camera, don’t count that character out just yet.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      if a tree falls in the woods but no one is there to see it, does it not still fall? Yes, I know this is science fiction, but a sudden, violent decompression of a room in a space ship, albeit off camera, still would suck anything not bolted down into the vacuum of space. Poor, poor Bob…perhaps this segment of the story is the reason behind my recent depression. I knew it was coming.

  2. 2
    tmcelmurry says:

    Wow. Bob? Really? Man, of all the characters, I always figured Max and Bob would be together thru it all. This is really going to be a turning point for Max. Wow, all I can say is Wow.

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      As volume 4 winds down and through volume 5 we’ll see how well Max copes with losing hie best friend. Just goes to show how dangerous this whole adventure really is…poor Bob didn’t know what he was getting himself and Max into when he stumbled upon the ship all those episodes ago.

  3. 3
    jynksie says:

    …and in a crazy plot twist, Victoria Principle of Dallas fame awakens and we learn that Bob never- ever died at all! He was simply taking a shower, with no underpants! o.O

    I can’t handle it, you killed my underpants-less lizard!!

    • 3.1
      Karl says:

      Heh, yeah, well, no sudden dream sequence (cheap twists usually when they happen) here. And how do you know that Bob doesn’t wear underwear while he showers? Maybe that was the only place he did wear them since he favored commando mode while dressed. 😉

  4. 4
    dgriff13 says:

    *gasp* NOOOO! was not expecting that… but makes me wonder if you’ve got sumthin’ up your sleeve ;0)

    • 4.1
      Karl says:

      I always have something up my sleeve….it’s called an arm…lol…but seriously, as a writer I am always scheming, otherwise I would be writing for 24 or Flash Forward…lol

  5. 5
    Antonious says:

    Gee…and he wasn’t wearing a red shirt. Guess that would have been too obvious. I vote they use the Fred Head to plug the hole. LOL

    • 5.1
      Karl says:

      cackles, if I was going to be that obvious, Beckybot would have been the next to go…although Fredbot is mostly still around….ooooooo! yes, Fredbot head could be like a sensor or lookout for the Starblazer. Would be a bit freaky though, seeing a head sticking out like that, as if he was stuck. Some of the people they visit might try and help the poor fella’ out.