WG 282 Senior Prom
April 5th, 2010

WG 282 Senior Prom

Whew! This was a doozy to ink, color and shade.  I think this has got to be the longest I have ever spent on producing one single strip.  I sketched it half digitally, half on paper, trying to line up the angles and such, then the next day inking and making more corrections, then the next day, color flats, shading and lighting.  I think I may have missed a few things here and there, but dangflabbit, it’s done!….lol

Stumble it!

4 Responses to “WG 282 Senior Prom”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Damn, fantastic job on it. Had a feeling they’d do the prom just to see what would have happened. Hope it goes well, also on a side note my prom was 2 years after that and they were still playing that damn song. Huey Lewis and the news for the win I guess. heh.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      Thanks! Whew, it was a challenge to do. While my prom was in 1984, my high school gf’s was indeed 1985…not that this is autobiographical…although I did own an orange 1975 Honda Civic. However, my gf didn’t disappear into space before her prom…who does, anyway?…it was a few months after her prom…lol…but as I said, this isn’t autobiographical…perhaps I have said too much 😉

  2. 2
    jynksie says:

    Nicely done! I feel good knowing I was only in 10th grade when this moment occurred! Makes me feel young again! *smirk*