WG 272 Howdy Fartner
March 22nd, 2010

WG 272 Howdy Fartner

Happy Talk Like William Shatner Day!  Being that March 22nd is The Shat’s 79th birthday, it is celebrated with the 2nd Annual Talk Like William Shatner Day as declared last year by Maurice LaMarche, a leading Shatner impressionist.  To celebrate this year, he is teaming up with Kevin Pollak, another of the great Shat impressionists, for a Shat Off of dueling impressions of Kirk Prime.  So confuse your family, friends and coworkers by joining in the fun today and talk like William Shatner!

Also, it’s Spring!  The smell of fresh air as the temperatures start to rise and the days grow longer.  Not only that but we have entered into Daylight Savings Time!  That wonderful invention of man that makes one lose sleep and bloggers to pull their hair out to make sure their posts get out on time.  Most bloggers using WordPress 2.8 and higher don’t have to worry about it…IF they have a host who uses PHP 5 and above.  But if you are using something like, say, Yahoo! Small Business to host, be forewarned…they are using a version of PHP (amongst other software) from the bygone year of 2005.  In computing terms, that is ancient…you might as well use stone tablets and chisels like in the Flintstones to publish your comic or blog to the web.

But enough of that downer…breathe in the aroma of this fresh, spanking new Willow’s Grove!

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2 Responses to “WG 272 Howdy Fartner”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    I think they’re going to have to burn that holodeck once he’s done in there. Might be a slight risk of explosion if they do however.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      naw, they’ll just recycle all the elements and reuse them as other bits and pieces in other fantasies. It will certainly explain why the towels smell funky;)