That’s Not Right
November 26th, 2008

That’s Not Right

Did you ever notice that no matter how carefully you lay your cables out, they always, ALWAYS seem to get tangled? It’s like there is a cable gremlin who hides behind your laptop and while you are busy inking or writing a blog, goes and tangles all of your USB cables in such a bundle that when you go to disconnect and pull them to wrap in their handy velcro straps, they nearly flip your laptop over? This happens to all the cables in my house, including power cables. Those extension cords you use for holidays like Halloween lights and Christmas lights, you swear up and down you put them in the storage box all neat and tidy but when you go to use them the next year, they somehow magically get all twisted and tangled together. Is there even a name for it other than @#$%!?

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