WG 262 Hello There
March 8th, 2010

WG 262 Hello There

Needless to say, things just got a little bit interesting…;)

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8 Responses to “WG 262 Hello There”

  1. 1
    jynksie says:

    I see London, I see France… I see Crystals nipple and her lack of underpants!! o.O … I have about 69 more zingers to throw out for this one, but I don’t know how family friendly they will NOT become!

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      Wow, you must either have incredible eyesight or an equally incredible imagination as I did not draw said nipple. Now a subtle hint of areola, perhaps, but no alleged nippage…heh…made you look…just how close did you zoom in on that sucker…pardon the pun;)

  2. 2
    KWCarlson says:

    Well, I’d be worried about Bob being right there. But considering what he’s done to max recently maybe a little payback is in order. ;p

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      Bob’s quite the heavy sleeper…although Crystal is just guessing this nugget of information. But seeing how excited Bob was to get crackin’ at the holosuite, I’d imagine he is too worn out to wake to the nocturnal adventures taking place in the same room. Either way, Bob was never too specific about them getting a room…lol

  3. 3
    dgriff13 says:

    okay, no one’s gonna mention how the multi-species thing is kinda.. weird? it’ll be interesting to see how this pans out….

    • 3.1
      Karl says:

      you need to let it go…lol…think of it along the lines of, um, it’s a cartoon?….;) No seriously though, think of it along the lines of aliens and humans hooking up…like Vulcans and Humans in Star Trek…after all, that kind of union produced Spock. Hope this helps you and your feeling weirded out:D

  4. 4
    jynksie says:

    It’s Peanut Butter-Jelly time, Peanut Butter-Jelly time!! …. muah-HA-hahaha