WG 236 I Think We’re Going To Need A Bigger Bridge
January 29th, 2010

WG 236 I Think We’re Going To Need A Bigger Bridge

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2 Responses to “WG 236 I Think We’re Going To Need A Bigger Bridge”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    What?!? No captain’s chair?!? Next your going to tell me there’s no half circle shaped railing for the klingon security officer to jump over when an alien beams onto the bridge!

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      Well, at first it was just Bob & Max on the bridge, but now that Crystal is the navigator, she needs to be there…not to mention Becky-bot as the Communications officer. There’s so many episodes left, maybe they’ll pick up a bumpy head security officer who will request a half circle railing…you know, for safety. Gotta have something to hold on to when I tilt the drawing table…;)