State of the Artist – UPDATE

Hey Grovers! Here we are at the end of January. It was over a year ago that my whole health issue (*whispers: cancer*) began, and between that and my dogs, and now my wife’s car, 2019 was a major suck, for me at least. I hope your 2019 was much better.

I’m feeling fine, except for my knees…lol, I’ve caught myself saying that SO many times now when someone says, “hey, how are you?” that I’m trying to catch myself before I get to the last part and say, “I’m feeling fine.” But, yes, the knees are an issue. I’m also now moved into my new/old studio, although I still have a lot of my daughter’s things in there…it’s hard to remove her stuff from the walls and I get majorly depressed when I do so…miss that girl! But she’s living her dream, so gotta’ accept that she’s now over 180 miles away and that I won’t be able to see her as often (mostly due to not being able to afford it, and some due to the fact it’s hard for my wife to get time off).

Speaking of things hidden inside parenthesis, which brings me to the point of this update, and congrats for making it this far…I’ve started a gofundme to help with what 2019 has dealt me. Here’s the link. Help if you can, spread the word far and wide. I’ve always hated doing these things (mostly because I suck at them), but this is the time of the year I dread, two big bills to pay to keep the house, but also now stacked upon it is the mountain of medical bills that need to be paid…ugh.

Thanks, Grovers – This is your fearless leader….OUT!

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