Apologies & Whatnot

I have to apologize for a few reasons…1) updates have been late and 2) because updates have been late, the system has been either not publishing the correct comic or not at all.

As you may know, I recently switched hosts to save money. In doing that, it seems to have broken the ComicPress Manager. I know what the error is, I just don’t know how to fix it. So, I have to upload and post manually. For those who don’t know what CPM is, it is an old bit of software/plugin I have been using for WordPress that will automatically upload and post or schedule a post for me with just a few clicks. I never had to worry about choosing the correct category or the scheduled posting date. But now I have to and sometimes, things go kablooie.

The reason the comics have been late is one of our dogs blew the CCL in her right rear leg last Friday and we’ve been scrambling to get the funds to have it repaired. We started a gofundme for it because we’ve been quoted anywhere between $2500 & $5000 for it…youch! As you’re aware, I’ve been having this whole cancer thing going on & am being buried in my own medical bills post surgery (even without this whole cancer thing the chunk of change to have her CCL repaired, which is equivalent to the ACL in humans, was not in the budget…not like cartoonist has been a lucrative field, but I do it for you & my sanity anyway). In the meantime, we’re having a custom knee brace made for her in the hope that it might heal on it’s own, or at least stabilize it until we can get the surgery done. That’s not cheap either, but I had a special credit card for our pets that had just enough room on it to pay for it.

When it rains, it pours here at the Grove.

So, if you’ve seen the comics being late, or empty posts, now you know why. If you’d like to contribute to the gofundme, and I apologize for not posting the link as I can’t post it from this device, but if you follow me on twitter or FB, you can find it (or do a search for my name on gofundme), that would be most appreciated. Also, if you know anything about ComicPress Manager, I can send you the error message I’m getting in the log and perhaps I can get it back up and running again so posts will be seamless again. It’s probably a simple fix with a bit of code that needs to be commented out or a database entry repaired (there was an error when I imported it on the migration, but everything else was working fine), but it’s beyond my area of expertise to find the fix.

Have a great weekend, Grovers!

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One Response to “Apologies & Whatnot”

  1. 1
    Bonnie says:

    I had been wondering what was happening with the posts, but as I read through the week via RSS, I figured it was some fiddly link-related thing.

    Hope the pooch feels better soon, and that your own recovery is not impacted poorly.