Now Grampa Can Breathe Trouble Free While Breaking His Hip!

Grampa Thrashes the Asphalt While Breathing Easily

Grampa Thrashes the Asphalt While Breathing Easily

I still sit down and read the local newspaper on a daily basis. Today, I saw something in a supplement that made me chuckle. It is the Boomer Times, written by Boomers, for Boomers, sounding just like when Grampa lectures you on how it was back in “his day.” It’s chocked full of useful tips like “How to Order Comfortable Shoes” and “Top Ten Early Bird Restaurants” and the ever golden “Stay Off My Lawn!” On page 19 of the October issue, I came across an ad for the AirSep Portable Oxygen Regenerator and I just shook my head at the second picture on the right side showing savvy seniors using this device. Now I know they are trying to say that 80 is the new 50, but come on, Grampa, use your head! Sure you have your knee pads and elbow pads and your handy oxygen device, but where is your helmet?! That’s really sticking it to the man, Grampa! Who needs a stinkin’ helmet when wobbling about on your grandson’s skateboard? He may break his hip and crack his skull wide open throwing a shower of fine powdered dust into the air when his melon splits in two, but he will not have to worry about his oxygen supply! That is, unless he cracks his head open on it!

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One Response to “Now Grampa Can Breathe Trouble Free While Breaking His Hip!”

  1. 1
    Bagels says:

    Needs moar space version. Definitely.