WG 140 Apoplexy
September 30th, 2009

WG 140 Apoplexy

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4 Responses to “WG 140 Apoplexy”

  1. 1
    David says:

    That 2nd panel is awesome. It reminds me a bit of some if those Ren and Stimpy still shots. Nice!

  2. 2
    jynksie says:

    I agree David! When I saw panel 2, I was thinking how well Karl captured the ultimate face pucker!!

    • 2.1
      admin says:

      If ever an artist can be in love with a pose or expression, I am in total love with how Max’s face came out in the panel you and David are mentioning. It always pays to have a mirror at your art table and be able to act the expression you wish to draw. I still laugh when I see the final result and picture in my mind a sorta gulping/farty sound effect to go along with it…I’m glad you both like that panel! 🙂 Thanks!

  3. 3
    roxysteve says:

    Fan belt and cardboard fir tree deodorizer. Classic.