WG 131 The Haunted Forest
September 9th, 2009

WG 131 The Haunted Forest

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5 Responses to “WG 131 The Haunted Forest”

  1. 1
    D. Long says:

    This comic makes me giddy. I want to live on Ghost Planet.

  2. 2
    D. Long says:

    ALso, amazing work with lighting, textures, etc.

  3. 3
    dgriff13 says:

    lookit you showin’ off the lighting effects! Man, what an improvement, so quickly too!

    • 3.1
      admin says:

      I’ve just been too lazy…if you like that forest scene…just wait until friday’s update. Started painting backgrounds in photoshop.

  4. 4
    jynksie says:

    WOW! lovin the sunshine rays there Karl and the attention to shadowing detail! You’ve become “one” with photoshop, haven’t you?!? *blinks* …purdddy!