WG 2001 Ironic
November 10th, 2016

WG 2001 Ironic

You know, after last night’s bombshell of idiocy, I was beat…finished. I didn’t think I could continue this comic because, how could I write comedy when this country literally had a temper tantrum and voted to spite themselves (without fully realizing, or if they did realize, they really didn’t care and wanted to watch the world burn). I was physically and emotionally spent, numb, in shock as to how this could have happened and what progress we’ve made will be swept away.

I slept on it (HAH! This cartoonist doesn’t sleep anymore with all the stress and worry already in my noggin’.) and considered the words of my friend and superfan, Ken. You know what? Screw it. I’m going to take that anger, that shock, and that frustration and I’m gonna’ put it in this strip to call out the imbeciles who voted for that orangutan in a bad wig as well as each and every misstep this next administration is going to take…and they will take them and they’ll be YUGE!

I’m gonna’ put that energy into my comic and show the farce that they put into office after 8 years of class. Now, I may lose a few readers in this and, well, no apologies, but thanks for sticking around as long as you have. But I’m doing this for me, as therapy, putting this rage to productive use…it’s my cartharsis and I’m embracing it for my sanity.

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