WG 1290 Talk Talk Talk Talk
February 13th, 2014

WG 1290 Talk Talk Talk Talk

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2 Responses to “WG 1290 Talk Talk Talk Talk”

  1. 1
    FoolKiller says:

    OK… reality check.
    Assuming everything happened as stated…
    wouldn’t she have come after Max, not Crystal?
    If not for Crystal, they would never have met…
    and remembering Max is what broke them up.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      Ahh, but remember, one of the first things she said was to Max, “I’ll deal with you later.” Which meant she had plans to eliminate Max as well as Crystal, but figured Crystal was the bigger threat and the first to wrong Mel, so she was going to kill her off first, then she was going to go after, what she assumed, the lesser challenge.