Don’t Panic!

It was a moment of temporary insanity last night that struck. I suddenly lost the ability to connect to my WordPress Dashboard and I froze in terror. I then tried to get onto and it said it couldn’t connect to the database…sonnofa…okay, retrace your steps, what did you just do, Karl? Think man, think, it’s only nearly 1am, what did you just flub up? It was then I realized that I had just installed an ancient forum nuke, not out of choice, but because my host (the ever wonderful archaic Yahoo Small Business) wouldn’t allow me to install phpBB3, and I was asked to change the password to the MySQL server to install. Eureka! I went into the file manager on YSB and opened wp-content.php and changed the password in there to the new password I just created before the panic attack occurred. Bingo-Bango-Bongo! I was able to go into the dashboard and also was back! I promptly fired up my FTP software and downloaded the entire wordpress folder to my hard drive and burned it to CD, then went and collapsed in bed, letting the sweat dry from my body. That would sound erotic if not for the fact I just shaved about 20 years off my life doing something stupid so late at night.

Stumble it!

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