Comic of the Week: Malaak by Joumana Medlej

Hey Grovers! Here it is, another week, which means CotW time! We’re a bit late on this one, but alas, the link given for it hadn’t been working properly and I didn’t want to point you in a direction of a dead link. But, now it’s working again, so now you can point your browser to its goodness! The comic this week that falls into the spotlight is Maalak by Joumana Medlej. The comic focuses on a Lebanese superheroine (which is cool because Joumana is herself Lebanese) with a whole bunch of ancient mythology and culture from her corner of the world wrapped up into a nice story line. She describes the comic thusly:

As an endless and incomprehensible war rages in Lebanon, the land’s ancestral guardians, the Cedars, admit the old ways are defeated by the scale of the conflict. To save the land, they send a guardian in the people’s own likeness – a child who quickly grows into a young woman with a double challenge: to come into her own powers, and find out what she is supposed to do about this war. A war that seems to not be the work of humans alone…

You should definitely check it out and help my fellow Spiderforest cartoonist!

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