Map of Willow’s Grove

Have you ever wondered how the Township of Willow’s Grove was laid out? Perhaps where Max lived or where Cho’s Bar & Grill was? Well, now you can see the first edition street map of Willow’s Grove! Click here to view it. It’s a little rough around the edges, but it will be improved in the second edition. Enjoy!

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6 Responses to “Map of Willow’s Grove”

  1. 1
    Jim says:

    Oh, great!
    I don’t know what half of the names there mean, but it’s still great to see where the places I know of are exactly. Max and Bob live kinda far away from everything there at that hill. At least they are in the center of the town, I gues…

    I kinda suck with maps and directions, so I gues that I would get lost even on a city as small as Willow Grove… I guess I will have to keep that map on my pocket, just in case a portal to the comic world opens (or I get alien-abducted) and I find myself in a world with dogs, humans, lizards and witches living at the same town…

    (“Note to self: Look for Hagella and ask her to show me how she looks like.”)

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      just for a frame of reference, which I’ll put a scale in for the second edition, about 3 inches equals a little under a quarter of a mile. Not much help if you don’t have a built in navigation system or you aren’t the best with maps, but it gives you a rough idea for the size of the township. You can, however, visit the area but won’t see much more than trees and mountains and a couple of houses here and there as the location of Willow’s Grove is based on a real life spot along Pennsylvania Route 87 in Lycoming County between Montoursville and Barbours. I just took a little creative liberty with the addition of Lake Kratcher (which will be in the story towards the end of next week and the beginning of the following week), as well as the streets, buildings and such. heh…if I could, I would buy one of those houses along the creek that really exist and call it Willow’s Grove.

      • 1.1.1
        Jim says:

        Haha, I have absolutely no idea where the places you mentioned are. At least I know Pennsylvania is a work, though!
        Nice to see the town is based on a real-life location, more Willow’s Grove’s trivia I need to catch up to!
        I just noticed the “Living Challenged” statistic on the map. Hahaha… oh hilarity.

      • Karl says:

        Lycoming County is home to Williamsport (my hometown), which is also home to the Little League World Series they show on ABC each August (actually, the game is played in South Williamsport across the river from Williamsport proper…it’s always a sticking point to the fine folks in South Williamsport that they have the real game but Williamsport gets all the credit…lol). Montoursville is directly east of Williamsport and Willow’s Grove would be about 10 miles or so north of that.

        Heh, come to read a comic, get a geography lesson…(for those playing along with the home version of Find That Town, the coordinates you can plug into Google Earth or Google Maps is Latitude 41°22’26.64″N , Longitude 76°49’53.71″W) Get entertained and educated all at the same time…would that be Edutainment?…snickers.

  2. 2
    Jim J says:

    Just for curiosity, I did plug them in and here’s what I got, in case anyone wants to see: