WG 856 Passing Gas
June 15th, 2012

WG 856 Passing Gas

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10 Responses to “WG 856 Passing Gas”

  1. 1
    George says:

    Cake for one is the best cake of all. 🙂

  2. 2
    KWCarlson says:

    And they probably wouldn’t appreciate the cake anyway, being from such a primitive society and all.

  3. 3
    Bonnie says:

    the cake is a lie! >:-o

  4. 4
    Jim says:

    Hi there Karl!
    Just passing by to say I’m new to your comics and I’m loving it. Took me about a week of pure sci-fi fun to read through all the archives. Now I just have to read through the “History” and I will be completely up-to-date! I know I will love to do it anyway!

    Keep up the good work, maybe they will share their cake with you if you do it!

    • 4.1
      Karl says:

      Hi there Jim! Welcome to Willow’s Grove! Glad you are loving the strip and glad to have you aboard! You are now an official Grover! I should take an image I have and make badges for readers (badges?! we don’t need no stinkin’ badges!), or maybe bumper stickers to let them show they are official Grovers. Thanks again for the kind words! 😀

      • 4.1.1
        Jim says:

        Thanks Karl. Well, I don’t know about badges, but I could easily see me making something fun out of a comic page one of these days. I just don’t think I would have the time or creativity to do that now (webcomics will ruin your life [and make it much more fun]).

        By the way, is the “History” section complete? I see it starts at strip 89 or something… and there are some skips here and there. One of those cases of missing old files, I guess?
        Shame, I always love to see how an artist starts a comic and it’s first few strips.

      • Karl says:

        The comics in the history section are the comics I could find that weren’t on a backup hard drive that failed. I bought the drive especially to store my comics over the years, some were created before DVD drives were in wide use and would’ve taken too many CD’s at the time so I bought the external hard drive instead. Which then failed in 2008 when I was plugging it in to upload to my site…go figure. So, the ones you see are what I have in electronic format. As far as the numbering, I used the WGxxx format for scripts which translated over into the jpg. Back in 2003 – 2005, the site was flash based so the comics didn’t show up as they do now with the current WG numbering format. I would go through the scripts and pick which ones I thought cut the mustard and turn them into strips. The other ones, they will probably never see the light of day…lol.

        The strips on the hard drive are not gone forever though. I still have the originals on bristol board and will eventually get around to scanning them, although some of them are not lettered so I will have to cross reference with the scripts if possible. Otherwise, they would just be presented without words…heh. Once I have them scanned and lettered, they’ll be added to the history page and the history page will be reformatted for easier reading. I’ll announce when that project is done and then everyone can see how WG has progressed from 1990 through today.