Comic of the Week: Footloose by Ally & Em

Hi there Grovers! CotW continues with the comic Footloose by Ally & Em. This comic, currently on hiatus until the summer, which gives you plenty of time to wade through their extensive archive (the comic started way back in 2006!), is a fantasy anthro comic with quite a lot of characters drawn in a quasi-manga style.

Stop on by and take a dive into the story (as I said, there’s quite a lot) and catch up by the time they resume this summer and support my fellow creators.

Stumble it!

2 Responses to “Comic of the Week: Footloose by Ally & Em”

  1. 1
    TimeGhost says:

    I tried to go to Footloose thru the link, but “This website declined to show this website.”

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      I just checked link and it appears there is an internal error at that comic’s host. I updated it and it is now working. Thanks for the tip and, if I could make a suggestion, please lay off the caffiene for a bit. 😉