WG 700 His Best Feature
November 10th, 2011

WG 700 His Best Feature

Wow! Two milestones for the price of one! Not only is this #700, but it is also the 3rd anniversary of Willow’s Grove being back on the internet (maybe even a hat trick since Willow’s Grove have been around in some way, shape or form for 21 years now)! I know I say this every year, but wow, time sure does fly by! For the readers who have been with me since 11/10/08, I thank you, for those who have just come on recently, welcome and I hope you are here for the next 700 and for those that have been here longer still, like from the first time I put Willow’s Grove on the internet in the 1990’s, whew, I am humbled that you have stuck by me all these years!

Stumble it!

8 Responses to “WG 700 His Best Feature”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Main comment, wow congrats Karl. Both great milestones and glad I was along for at least part of the ride. As to the ship, they better hope they don’t run afoul of the crew of the TV show “Quark” as their job was collecting garbage. Might have to scoop up the ship, crew and all.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      Thanks Ken, and thank you for being a great fan!

      Wow, Quark, that brings back memories! Too bad they didn’t let that one play out longer!

  2. 2
    Chris K says:

    Wow, that is very impressive. That is a ton of content. Congratulations on the huge milestone!

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      Thanks Chris! It is quite a ton of content, I just reread through it all myself and took me the better part of the afternoon…lol…what better way to boost my own numbers…:D

  3. 3
    Gerard says:

    Congrats man.

  4. 4
    jynksie says:

    Congrats on 3 years, why it only seems that long ago I began reading your comic. [grin]. Heres to 3 more years and 700 more comics! No pressure, hurry up!

  5. 5
    DadaHyena says:

    Talking chimps = comedy gold.

    It worked for Lancelot Link, and it works here!