Goodbye Mom

Sad news in the Grove. Some of you may have known that my mother was battling cancer for the past 18 or so months. Well, yesterday, she lost that battle. Now, as much as we would have wanted her to continue her battle and win, sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. We did get an extra year with her, and for that, I am forever grateful. There are some family members out there who would question my concern but those people have to remember one important thing, she is and always will be my mother. I may not have been the best in communicating, but I dare you to prove that there wasn’t a day that I didn’t have her in my heart or thoughts. I dare you to prove that I loved her any less than anyone else in the family. I dare you to question it, because if you do, I shall be the one who laughs last. Until you can find the means to climb inside my mind and read my thoughts, feel my feelings, you need to get off your high horse and shut yer flap. That means you also need to stop speaking to others about me in this light of knowing just what I felt, what I still feel about my dear, departed mother, because you don’t, you can’t, ever, unless you speak to me first and walk a lifetime in my shoes. This isn’t and never will be about you. This isn’t your time to put up walls and make divisions within the family, to rally folks behind you in a campaign to smear another and draw attention towards yourself. This is the time to come together and make each other stronger for her sake. To take all that we feel, all that we love, and combine it as a family. This will and always will be her time. What trenches and barbed wire you lay down will haunt you, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and it will draw you in and consume you whole.

Miss you Mom…hopefully we can catch up when the time comes for me to take the leap into the next great adventure after this life. Will forever love you.

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3 Responses to “Goodbye Mom”

  1. 1
    jim j says:

    My heart goes out to you on this time of pain. Hopefully the ones you are talking about will get their act together.

  2. 2
    KWCarlson says:

    Damn, I’m really sorry Karl. My thoughts to you and your family and let us know here if there’s anything we can do to help. As to the rest, your relationship with her was between you and her and no one else’s business.

  3. 3
    Karl says:

    Thanks Jim and Ken. One can always hope, but time will tell if they continue to act as they are or will come to their senses and see things clearly…