WG 553 Nexus History Part 1
April 19th, 2011

WG 553 Nexus History Part 1

And now, a short interlude of 4 parts, to show a little bit of a backstory of the Nexus and their rise to power. When we last left the Nexus squirrels, they had been vanquished from the Earth by the Egyptian Cats. One, of course, fell victim to the temporal drive on the future Starblazer and became mayor of Willow’s Grove, but what happened to the rest? From time to time, we shall explore these events and get caught up on Nexus history. How better to conquer your enemies than to understand them, first? Enjoy.

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2 Responses to “WG 553 Nexus History Part 1”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Trust the nexus to make a mess no matter where they end up. Looking forward to learning how they came to power considering they couldn’t even hold onto it on the Earth.

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      These will be snippets here and there, showing the rise to power…without a Jar Jar Binks to foul things up…lol I think the lessons learned on their failed Earth conquest will come into play, although, technically, if it wasn’t for the Starblazer crew meddling in Earth’s past, the Nexus would have held power for much longer I believe. Call it a Predestination Paradox, but then, Max in the current timeline says no to Vol when he is asked to test the Temporal Drive…but in order to keep things as they are, Max will have to eventually say yes in order to set things into motion (that story arc had the Starblazer crew older by about 12 years anyway). Why oh why did I ever involve time travel?…lol