WG 548 Phantom Comic
April 12th, 2011

WG 548 Phantom Comic

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10 Responses to “WG 548 Phantom Comic”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Yeah, I trip people down the stairs all the time because I find it amusing…..wait, that’s not what happened? Normal people don’t do that? since when?!?

    • 1.1
      Karl says:

      I don’t remember drawing someone being tripped or pushed down stairs…good thing I got down off the stairs at Tate’s before I shook your hand;)

      • 1.1.1
        KWCarlson says:

        Yeah, what i assumed was he was walking down the street and saw something. just something about the position the one hand was in made me think it looked like he’d pushed someone. heh. Also it was only one flight of stairs at Tate’s, wouldn’t have been funny enough to be worth it….although, there was a stand full of pocky at the bottom of them, landing in that might have had some humorous value. Excuse me everyone, I’m off to Tate’s to test a theory. ;p

      • Karl says:

        watch out folks at Tate’s! He has a loaded foot and he’s not afraid to use it! 😉

  2. 2
    jynksie says:

    Thats me every minute of everyday… not the falling down, cause I get up again, nothings gonna keep me down! … erm, where was i going with this? o.O …

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      you’re such a tubthumper;)

      • 2.1.1
        jynksie says:

        I was a tubthumper when tubthumping was cool! o.O

        He drinks a whisky drink
        He drinks a vodka drink
        He drinks a lager drink
        He drinks a cider drink
        He sings the songs that remind him
        Of the good times
        He sings the songs that remind him
        Of the better times….

        ‘Oh Danny Boy
        Danny Boy
        Danny Boy…’

      • Karl says:

        You campaigned for political office? too cool!

  3. 3
    George says:

    I understand that totally. Some ideas are hysterical in my head, and then when I try to put them on paper, they no longer make sense. Ah, the woes of cartooning. 🙂

    • 3.1
      Karl says:

      Mine are always great when I think of them and I know, from past experience, that I will never remember them to write them down when I get home. I should either start carrying around a pad of paper and pen everywhere I go or find an portable cassette recorder I know I have somewhere around the house…lol