Archive for July 27th, 2011

Temporary Fix

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Okay…so i woke up this morning and had about 100 emails in my inbox…all were messages that i had posts waiting for moderation on the site. So i logged in and saw my spam filter was having issues with the server (thanks yahoo small business!…you fail yet again), so for now, i’ve set it so that to make a comment, you have to be a registered user and logged in. This is a temporary fix so please be patient until my host or my spam filter stops having seizures…thanks! 😀

Oh and i guess this is how my day is going to go…a continuation in my string of bad luck…as if the above problem wasn’t bad enough, i discovered i have my second flat tire in one month! When you don’t have a pot to piss in, you end up with piss all over you…lol