Archive for January 22nd, 2010

Gorilla Face on the Moon?

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Most people have heard about the Mars Face, that image supposedly showing a humanoid face on the surface of Mars taken by the Viking Orbiter. What most people don’t know is the Gorilla Monument near the Lunar South Pole. I think this is proof positive that the Great Apes were once a civilized society that discovered how to leave the Earth and visit our closest celestial neighbor. Perhaps they had a great war or some other catastrophe occurred to revert them to a less evolved species. That is a matter of conjecture, but what isn’t is an obvious “ape-made” structure, or monument honoring some unknown great ape from a distant past, constructed on the moon by intelligent primates.

Credit: NASA 2009

As you can see in the above NASA photo from the LCROSS mission showing the Lunar South Pole with the major craters titled, there in the red circle I drew to show you this forgotten tribute, is the unmistakable image of a gorilla. You have to tilt your head a little to the right, but if you still can’t see it, let me show you the image rotated to the left with titles showing the main facial features.

Perhaps NASA officials knew of this feature and was sending the LCROSS, not to find water, but to discover if there was any further evidence of a Primate Lunar Base. Is this also why so many nations now want to return to the moon? Do they know of the secrets hidden away at the Lunar South Pole Gorilla Base? What window to that ancient and distant primate past will it open when humans return there and explore this region? Stay tuned as more information is discovered!