Archive for April 2nd, 2009

Onomatopoeia Day Fast Approaches

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Last month Brian Anderson of Dog Eat Doug and I were discussing using the word onomatopoeia as an actual sound effect in a cartoon. One thing led to another and I suggested we do that on a specific day and try to get as many webcomickers to follow suit. Well, that day is fast approaching! In fact, it is this Monday, April 6th! I hope many of you in the webcomic community will join in the fun and include this word as a sound effect in your comic strip that day. I would also like to reserve the first Monday of every April from here on out to be Onomatopoeia Day and see how we can all come up with unique and funny ways of using this word as a sound effect. Who knows, maybe some day in the distant future, we can all get together and look back with a smile when it all began back in 2009!