Archive for December 2nd, 2008


Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

When using my digital tablet to ink, I am finding a curious thing to happen. My skin, after prolonged contact, will adhere slightly to the surface causing my hand to stick when trying to ink a long line with a steady stroke. The effect is seen close up, but fortunately, at the reduction I use, it isn’t that noticeable…but I know it is there. Now I have seen those gloves animators use when inking cells. They are white, cotton and have the fingers chopped off. Other than finding something on the interwebs and waiting for them to arrive, I decided to improvise. In my sock drawer, I have quite a few white, cotton socks I no longer wear due to various holes being worn in and I never got around to mending. I grabbed one, cut some holes for fingers and bingo-bango! I have something that I can use to help reduce the heel of my hand sticking to the tablet. With practice, I bet I can reduce those wiggly lines that bug the living breath out of me! I’ll take a pic of this new “glove” and post it here sometime soon.