Archive for June 8th, 2008

Here We Go!

Sunday, June 8th, 2008

OK!  Now that I finally figured out the damn installation hoops to jump through correctly with Yahoo Geocities….I really need to find the funds to port to a different host for….I am going to try and keep this thing updated with news, teases and general information on my plans and schemes to get the strip back up off the ground.

I am working on a new direction for the strip, to make it into a graphic novel type format, and the working title for this project is called Willow’s Grove: KIDNAPPED!  I have the cover sketched and the script is being worked out from rough sketch to actual storyboards, so come on back to see the progress notes I plan to put up on this blog.

Having been given my date of my freedom from my day job, I will now have more time to work on the things that matter to me.  Keep your fingers crossed that I shall never have to enter the rat race again and keep working on my strips and other art projects now having actually established my KWK Productions® as my own business.