Archive for May, 2014

Law of Diminishing Returns

Saturday, May 10th, 2014

Pilot strip for spinoff comic of Willow's Grove: Subtropic

Pilot strip for spinoff comic of Willow’s Grove: Subtropic

As you know, I’ve been toying with a spin-off comic of Willow’s Grove based on the life of Nick on his home island of Piggypork. I’ve actually had it in the pipe since Nick’s first appearance way back when in 2009 but have put it off and put it off. Now, I’m at a point where I don’t know if I will ever bring it into full production, although I think it would be a nice addition to the Willow’s Grove family of products. Why? You may be asking yourself. Simply put, the Law of Diminishing Returns. Let me explain. See, I produce Willow’s Grove for all you Grovers to enjoy Monday through Friday without fail. I’ve also written and published one novel, Accidental Earthling that has experienced very little success as far as sales. I wrote a sequel to this novel, called Sea of Stars and was offered a publishing deal through a hybrid publishing house, but the catch is, I have to put money up front in order for it to be published. I could go the route I used for Accidental Earthling, which was self-publishing, but my publicity attempts, my social media buzz attempts, have brought me very small sales. How small? Royalties claimed on taxes from the sales were so small, they were actually counted as no sales whatsoever. I’ve got a third novel in the final chapters of the rough draft stage, but my excitement level has dropped from WOW to meh. I really see no point in continuing the writing process of it, but yet, I seemed compelled to complete it, just so I can say, “well, that’s over with.”

Which brings me back to the Law of Diminishing Returns and Subtropic. Why should I bother producing a second comic when it will most likely gather more dust than anything else and I should just concentrate all my efforts into one project with that one project being Willow’s Grove. I may be wrong, but, hey, that’s just how I feel at the moment. So enjoy this sneak peek into Nick’s world and what might be, but most likely it will be more like, what could have been.