Archive for January, 2012


Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Hey Grovers, better late than never to post about New Year’s Resolutions, eh? I hate ’em actually…a lot of useless promises that you make to yourself either because you were guilted into it or you think there’s something about yourself you don’t like and would want to change. So, just to slide into the new year, I am posting a list of things that could probably be considered resolutons.

1- F*** resolutions! (saw that one coming, eh?)

2- Redesign the Willow’s Grove pages (it’s looking quite dated with the old Comicpress GN theme)

3- Figure out how to freakin’ monetize effectively (we’re dead broke, donchaknow)

4- Push the boundaries of what a comic on the internet can be (now, yes, I did self edit an upcoming strip, but…)

5- F*** resolutions! (just wanted to hit home that point again, in case, like, you forgot)

6- Win the lottery (hey, a guy’s gotta’ dream)

7- Try to make it to a comic con sometime in the 2012 calendar year

8- Get you, my readers, to spread the word that is Willow’s Grove (you can be my evangelists! Can I hear an AMEN!?)

9- F*** resolutions! (I can’t stress this enough)

10- Work on my digital skills, backgrounds, layouts, etc (they’re getting rather predictable, see #4)

11- Find office space (the microstudio is really, really starting to affect my health)

12- F*** resolutions! (hey, it’s 2012, gotta’ have 12 resolutions, right?)

So, as you can see, I am not truly serious about resolutions, yet, there are some things I want to (and believe I must) change, in order to not become stagnant. The story goes on as written, but the look of the site is dated, and being that it is part and parcel of the entire presentation, an ugly website can distract from a good comic.

Happy F***ing New Year!