Archive for January, 2009

Google AdSense Account Disabled

Monday, January 5th, 2009

I received a rather disturbing and stressful email tonight in regards to my Google Adsense account. This was discovered after I went to log into my account to find it had been disabled. Apparently, although it wasn’t mentioned at all in the subject, body or the actual statement on the Google log in, there has been invalid ad clicking occurring. In no way shape or form did I encourage through my website, comic strip or blog to make invalid clicks and I did not click it myself as stated in the Terms of Agreement. I had closely watched the revenue growing but was not aware that these clicks the ads were receiving were invalid. I did not receive notice from Google that they suspected the clicks received were invalid or else I would have removed the ads to prevent this from happening. I have filed an appeal to have it enabled, and if successful, please do not repeatedly click any of the ads on my website as I do not 1) wish to have to forfeit any future revenue or 2) have my account disabled again. As you know, the ads and affiliate programs I have associated with Willow’s Grove are my sole source of revenue and I do not want anything to interfere with that, period.

In the future, if Google enables my account again, only click on the Google ads that you find interesting or if you need to purchase a certain product, destination or service that is advertised.

Thank you readers in advance for understanding.