WG 502 The Newlyweds
February 7th, 2011

WG 502 The Newlyweds

Welcome to Volume 7! Why end volume 6 when they are still at home? (spoiler: they will be going back into space for more adventures there) Well, in all honestly, I did it for future printed books. You see, Volume 6 reached 120 pages already and in order to keep the file size down whenever I make a volume 3 (yes, volume 3 of the printed books would be all of volume 6 of the webcomic…heh, yep, confusing, but in my addled mind, it makes perfect sense), it had to end at 120 pages. That way, I can add only a few pages to the book file to fit.

Volume 8 will probably be them going back into space, so that means volume 7 will have to be 120 pages too. Heh, that means for at least another 120 days, you will see their adventures in and around the town. At least that’s the plan.

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5 Responses to “WG 502 The Newlyweds”

  1. 1
    KWCarlson says:

    Damn, poor Beckybot in the background there. Still fantastic image and glad it went off without any hitches that we’ve seen yet. (well except for the two of them getting hitched that is. ;p)

  2. 2
    jynksie says:

    Isn’t it ironic they start their “life sentence” at the ole courthouse! ha-cha-cha-cha! *smirk*

    • 2.1
      Karl says:

      heh, yeah, we’ll see if it is a life sentence or not…this is a cartoon after all…I could very well get hit by a bus and then no one will ever know what happens to everyone in the comic. Getting harder to dodge those pesky buses in this cardboard box…lol

  3. 3

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Karl Kleese, Madbury The Webcomic. Madbury The Webcomic said: A life sentence begins at the courthouse–>RT: @KarlKleese: Wedding bells http://www.willowsgrove.com/wordpress/?p=941 http://fb.me/Qwi68Orr […]